Package: RKernel 1.0

RKernel: Yet another R kernel for Jupyter

Provides a kernel for Jupyter.

Authors:Martin Elff [aut, cre]

RKernel.pdf |RKernel.html
RKernel/json (API)

# Install 'RKernel' in R:
install.packages('RKernel', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

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4.56 score 38 stars 270 exports 40 dependencies

Last updated 2 days agofrom:b746f81d44. Checks:1 OK, 1 WARNING, 4 FAILURE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 16 2025
R-4.5-winOUTDATEDFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-macOUTDATEDFeb 09 2025
R-4.5-linuxWARNINGFeb 16 2025
R-4.4-winOUTDATEDFeb 09 2025
R-4.4-macOUTDATEDFeb 09 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add a Class to the 'Displayed' Onesadd_displayed_classes
Add a handler for HTTP requests with slug given by `slug`.add_http_handler
Add a Class to the 'Paged' Onesadd_paged_classes
A constructor function for a class that inherits from 'AnyWidget' (or 'AnyWidgetClass')AnyWidget
Support for AnyWidgetsAnyWidgetClass
Boolean TraitletsBoolean BooleanClass
Widgets for Floating Point Number RangesBoundedFloatRangeWidget BoundedFloatRangeWidgetClass
Widgets for Text Elements with Floating Point Numbers Bounded within an IntervalBoundedFloatText BoundedFloatTextClass
Widgets for Bounded Floating Point NumbersBoundedFloatWidget BoundedFloatWidgetClass
Widgets for Text Elements with Integer Numbers Bounded within an IntervalBoundedIntText BoundedIntTextClass
Widgets for Bounded Integer NumbersBoundedIntRangeWidget BoundedIntRangeWidgetClass BoundedIntWidget BoundedIntWidgetClass
Widgets for Bounded Floating Point Numbers on a logarithmic scaleBoundedLogFloatWidget BoundedLogFloatWidgetClass
Box ContainersBox BoxClass Boxes GridBox GridBoxClass HBox HBoxClass VBox VBoxClass
ButtonsButton ButtonClass Buttons ButtonStyle ButtonStyleClass
Raw Bytes TraitletsBytes BytesClass
A Dispatcher for CallbacksCallbackDispatcher CallbackDispatcherClass
Checkbox WidgetsCheckbox CheckboxClass Checkboxes CheckboxStyle CheckboxStyleClass
Color picker widgetsColorPicker ColorPickerClass
A Color String TraitColor ColorTrait ColorTraitClass
Comms - connections between the kernel and the frontendComm CommClass
A Manager for CommsCommManager CommManagerClass
Yet Another Widget ClassCoreWidgetClass
Send CSS code to the frontendCSS
HTML Tables with Interactive ControlsdataTable dataTable.default dataTable.importer dataTableClass display_data.dataTable
Date Traitletsas.Date.DateClass Date DateClass
Date Picker WidgetsDatePicker DatePickerClass
Datetime TraitletsDatetime DatetimeClass Time
Datetime Picker WidgetsDatetimePicker DatetimePickerClass NaiveDatetimePicker NaiveDatetimePickerClass
Styling of Decscription WidgetsDescriptionStyle DescriptionStyleClass
Decscription WidgetsDescriptionWidget DescriptionWidgetClass
Dictionary TraitletsDict DictClass
A data type analogous to Python dictionariesdictionary print.dictionary [.dictionary [<-.dictionary
Display an R Objectdisplay
Prepare an R Object for Being Displayeddisplay_data display_data.default display_data.descriptions display_data.display_data display_data.help_files_with_topic display_data.hsearch display_data.htmlTable display_data.htmlwidget display_data.html_elem display_data.iframe display_data.matrix display_data.shiny.tag display_data.shiny.tag.list display_data.svg display_data.tableHTML display_data.update_display_data display_data.Widget update.display_data
Get the id of an object displaydisplay_id display_id.display_data display_id.update_display_data
A Base Class for DOM WidgetsDOMWidget DOMWidgetClass
Environment Browser WidgetsenvBrowser
A Manager for CommsEventManager EventManagerClass
File Upload WidgetsFileUpload FileUploadClass
Fixed Arguements in Interactive WidgetsFixed
Floating Point Number Traitletsas.integer.Float as.numeric.Float Float FloatClass
Widgets for Text Elements with Floating Point NumbersFloatText FloatTextClass
Widgets for Floating Point NumbersFloatWidget FloatWidgetClass
Provide completion for code given at point.get_completions
Check whether a handler exists for URLs that have `slug` as path component.has_http_handler
The Base Class of Objects with TraitsHasTraits
Start interactive help systemhelp.start
Handle requests with slug "data".http_data
Handle requests with slug "echo".http_echo
Handle requests with slug "eval".http_eval
Send a GET request to an URL and read the response.http_get
Check whether HTTP requests are proxied. This is the case if the kernel is started from Jupyterhub and the Python package "jupyter_server_proxy" is installed.http_is_proxied
Add a message to the log of HTTP requestshttp_log
Get the URL of the HTTP server.httpd_port
Get the port the HTTP server listens to.httpd_url
Include HTML content using in an iframeIFrame
install the R Kernelinstall installspec
Integer Traitletsas.integer.Integer as.numeric.Integer Integer IntegerClass to_json.Integer
Interactions Using Widgetsinteract interaction Interactive interactive_output mkWidgets
Widgets for Text Elements with Integer NumbersIntText IntTextClass
Widgets for Integer NumbersIntWidget IntWidgetClass
Send Javascript to the frontendJavascript
The Kernel ClassKernel
Send LaTeX math to the frontendLaTeXMath
Widget Layout ManipulationLayout LayoutClass
Widget Layout TemplatesAppLayout AppLayoutClass GridspecLayout GridspecLayoutClass LayoutTemplates TemplateBaseClass TwoByTwoLayout TwoByTwoLayoutClass [.GridspecLayout [<-.GridspecLayout
List TraitletsList ListClass
A HTML version of 'ls.str()'ls_str
Main entry point of the packagemain
Media widgetsAudioWidget AudioWidgetClass ImageWidget ImageWidgetClass MediaWidget MediaWidgetClass VideoWidget VideoWidgetClass
Controls for Interactive WidgetsmkWidget mkWidget.character mkWidget.Fixed mkWidget.integer mkWidget.logical mkWidget.numeric mkWidget.ValueWidget
Widgets to receive outputOutputWidget OutputWidgetClass with.OutputWidget
Display an object using the Jupyter notebook pagerPage Page.default
A Player WidgetPlay PlayClass
Widgets to receive plots graphicsPlotWidget SVGWidget SVGWidgetClass with.SVGWidget
Progress barsFloatProgress FloatProgressClass IntProgress IntProgressClass Progress ProgressStyle ProgressStyleClass
R6 Objects That Are Not LockedR6Class_
A Generic Constructor for R6 Object TraitsR6Instance
A Base Class for Traits that are R6 ObjectsR6TraitClass
Send raw HTML code to the frontendraw_html
Register a handler for magicsregister_magic_handler
Remove a Class to the 'Displayed' Onesremove_displayed_classes
Remove a Class to the 'Paged' Onesremove_paged_classes
The KernelSession ClassRKernelSession
A Rich R Session InterfaceRSessionAdapter
The R Session Base ClassRSessionBase
Tabs and AccordionsAccordion AccordionClass SelectionContainer SelectionContainerClass Stack StackClass Tab TabClass
Selection widgetsDropdown DropdownClass ListBox ListBoxMultiple ListboxSelectClass ListboxSelectMultipleClass MultipleSelectionWidget MultipleSelectionWidgetClass RadioButtons RadioButtonsClass SelectionRangeSlider SelectionRangeSliderClass SelectionSlider SelectionSliderClass SelectionWidget SelectionWidgetClass ToggleButtons ToggleButtonsClass ToggleButtonsStyleClass
Set the port the HTTP server listens to. For internal use only.set_help_port
R6 objects that run a help serversharedHelpServer
Show the log of the HTTP requests.show_http_log
Sidecar widgetsSidecar SidecarClass
SlidersFloatLogSlider FloatLogSliderClass FloatRangeSlider FloatRangeSliderClass FloatSlider FloatSliderClass IntRangeSlider IntRangeSliderClass IntSlider IntSliderClass Slider SliderStyleClass
Create an HTML iframe tag that refers to some (usually HTML) codestr2iframe
An Enumerated String ConstructorStrEnum
An Enumerated Strings TraitStrEnumClass
String widgetsCombobox ComboboxClass HTML HTMLClass HTMLMath HTMLMathClass HTMLMathStyle HTMLMathStyleClass HTMLStyle HTMLStyleClass Label LabelClass LabelStyle LabelStyleClass PasswordWidget PasswordWidgetClass StringStyleClass StringWidget StringWidgetClass Textarea TextareaClass TextStyle TextStyleClass TextWidget TextWidgetClass
Tags Input WidgetsColorsInput ColorsInputClass FloatsInput FloatsInputClass IntsInput IntsInputClass NumbersInputBase TagsInput TagsInputBaseClass TagsInputClass
Time TraitletsTimeClass
Time Picker WidgetsTimePicker TimePickerClass
A Genereric Converter to JSONto_json to_json.Bytes to_json.default to_json.json to_json.List to_json.list to_json.Trait to_json.Vector to_json.Widget
Tobble-Button WidgetsToggleButton ToggleButtonClass Togglebuttons ToggleButtonStyle ToggleButtonStyleClass
TraitletsTrait TraitClass TraitInstance Traitlets
A Unicode String Trait ConstructorUnicode
A Unicode String Vector Traitas.character.Unicode UnicodeClass
Create an HTML iframe tag that refers to some (usually HTML) codeurl2iframe
Validity Indicator WidgetsValid ValidClass
Value widgetsValueWidgetClass
Generic Vector TraitlesVector VectorClass
Invoke a Data ViewerView View.default View.importer
Widgets to show tabular datafmt_tab_section fmt_tab_section.default fmt_tab_section.tbl_df virtable_widget
Synchronize two Widgets Using a LinkDirectionalLink DirectionalLinkClass WidgetLink WidgetLinkClass
A Widget Base ClassWidget WidgetClass Widgets